14th International Colloquium of Creoles Studies - CIEC2014
"Creoles studies : issues and prospects"

Aix-en-Provence, France

29-31 October 2014

Rose de porcelaine *
Français | English
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Poster of the colloquium Pictures

A. Description of Creole languages in their multilingual settings
Contributions are invited devoted to an assessment of previous work on Creole languages in their multilingual settings and to prospects for future work. Papers may discuss theoretical issues in synchrony or focus on issues related to the emergence and development of Creole languages. All aspects of Creole linguistic systems and of language practices in Creole societies may be discussed.

B. Creole languages and Education
The topic of Creole language planning and management (the writing of grammars, dictionaries and curricula etc.), addressed in previous colloquia (Cape Verde 2005), Haiti (2008) and Mauritius (2012), is still highly relevant.
Independent states which use French-related Creoles are faced with educational issues at basic and middle school levels. In this context, recourse to schooling in Creole in multilingual systems is highly topical. The experience of specific states such as Seychelles, Haiti and henceforth Mauritius, in Creole Education that may be discussed. Because of the status of “langues de France” bestowed upon the Creoles by the French Constitution, of the proposals of the Etats Généraux du Multilinguisme dans les Outre-Mer (EGM-OM), and of the final resolution of the 2011 State sponsored Conference in Guyane (Déclaration de Cayenne 2011), French Départements d’Outremer have also developed teaching in Creole.
Nowadays, French-related Creoles are also spoken outside their initial birthplace, in various areas around the world (Creole diasporas), including France in Continental Europe. The study of Creole Diasporas should be developed.

C. Anthropology and Literature in Creole speaking countries.
The anthropology of Creole Societies seems to have come to a halt after decades of progress. The Colloquium should provide an opportunity to take stock of previous work and discuss new prospects.
The production of literature in Creole, French and English inter alia in Creole speaking areas of the Caribbean and of the Indian Ocean has expanded.


If you have any questions, please contact us at: colloqueciec.2014(at)gmail.com


CIEC (Comité International des Etudes Créoles) APRODEC(Association pour la Promotion et le Développement des Etudes Créoles)

* Photothèque : ©GéGé - http://www.routard.com/photos/guadeloupe/