Tools and Resources for the Analysis of Speech Prosody

Welcome to TRASP 2013

Aix-en-Provence, France - August 30, 2013

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Description and outline of the program

Tools and Resources for the Analysis of Speech Prosody is an Interspeech 2013 satellite event.

TRASP will be the occasion to bring together people involved in developing tools and resources for the analysis of speech prosody in order to evaluate the state of the art in this area, summarising what tools and resources are currently available and what other of tools and resources are in greatest need of development. It will also be an opportunity to discuss ways in which work in this area might benefit from harmonisation and collaboration.

TRASP will take place at the LPL with the technical support of the CEP.

In order to increase comparability for the different tools, contributors will be asked to apply their tools to a common corpus which, when possible, will be made available by the organisers. Since it is expected that tools may concern several different languages, a multi-lingual corpus will be used. This shared corpus will be hosted by the SLDR forge.


We intend to publish an electronic version of the proceedings as well as a printed version of the abstracts. Contact has been made with an international publisher in view of the subsequent publication of a contributed volume containing extended versions of the papers presented at TRASP.


TRASP is organized by Brigitte Bigi and Daniel Hirst.

Local organizing committee: Carine André, Nadéra Bureau, Laurence Colombo, Stéphanie Desous, Sophie Herment, Joelle Lavaud, Frédéric Lefèvre, Nadia Monségu, Catherine Perrot, Claudia Pichon-Starke. TRASP was organised with the support of CEP (Thierry Legou) and SLDR (Bernard Bel).

Scientific committee


For any question or comment, send an e-mail to the organizers at firstname.lastname(at)