Un système semi-autonome pour la création de corpus d'interaction humain-machine en réalité virtuelleMagalie Ochs, Philippe Blache, Grégoire de Montcheuil, Jean-Marie Pergandi, Jorane Saubesty, Daniel Francon and Daniel MestreWorkshop sur les “Affects, Compagnons Artificiels et Interactions” (WACAI), 13-15 June 2018, Porquerolles, France.
A Semi-autonomous System for Creating a Human-Machine Interaction Corpus in Virtual Reality: Application to the ACORFORMed System for Training Doctors to Break Bad NewsMagalie Ochs, Philippe Blache, Grégoire de Montcheuil, Jean-Marie Pergandi, Jorane Saubesty, Daniel Francon and Daniel MestreLanguage Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), 7-12 May 2018, Miyazaki, Japan.
Mining a Multimodal Corpus of Doctor's Training for Virtual Patient's FeedbacksChris Porhet, Magalie Ochs, Jorane Saubesty, Grégoire de Montcheuil, Roxane BertrandInternational Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2017, Glasgow, Scotland.
An architecture of virtual patient simulation platform to train doctors to break bad newsMagalie Ochs, Grégoire de Montcheuil, Jean-Marie Pergandi, Jorane Saubesty, Catherine Pelachaud, Daniel Mestre and Philippe BlacheConference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA), 2017, Séoul, Korea.
Data-driven model of virtual patient for doctor social trainingMagalie Ochs, Evelyne Lombardo, Soisik Verbog, Marie-Christine Moll, José Hureaux, Daniel Francon, Jean-Marie Pergandi, Daniel Mestre, Gregoire de Montcheuil, Catherine Pelachaud, Brice Donval, Jorane Saubesty, Chloé Clavel and Philippe BlacheInternational Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agent - GREATS Workshop (Graphical and Robotic Embodied Agents for Therapeutic Systems) , Los Angeles,California, Sept. 2016.
Virtual Reality for Training Doctors to Break Bad NewsMagalie Ochs and Philippe BlacheEC-TEL 2016 - European Conference on Technology Enhanced learning, Adaptive and Adaptable Learning - Sept. 2016 (Acceptance rate : 33%).
A Virtual Patient to Train Doctors to Break Bad NewsMagalie Ochs and Philippe BlacheWACAI 2016 - Workshop francophone Affect, Compagnons Artificiels et Interaction - ENIB, Brest, Juin 2016.
L'annonce d'une mauvaise nouvelle à un patient : méthodologie de l'analyse multimodale d'un corpus de formationJorane Saubesty, Marion Tellier and Daniel FranconEmmêler-Démêler la parole : la relation de soin à l'épreuve de la communication, 16 et 17 novembre 2014, Besançon, France.
Multimodal analysis of hand gesture back-channel feedbackJorane Saubesty and Marion TellierGesture and Speech in Interaction, Sept. 2015 Nantes, France.
Searching and retrieving multi-levels annotated dataBrigitte Bigi and Jorane SaubestyGesture and Speech in Interaction, Sept. 2015 Nantes, France.
Oral Communications
Vers un environnement de réalité virtuelle d'apprentissage : la formation des médecins à l'annonce d'évènements indésirables gravesMagalie Ochs, Daniel Francon, Jorane Saubesty, et Philippe BlacheCongrès Francophone d'Oncologie Multidisciplinaire, octobre 2016, Marseille, France.
Analyse multimodale de l'interaction patient/médecin en situation d'annonce d'événement indésirable graveJorane Saubesty, Marion Tellier and Daniel FranconColloque Emmêler-Démêler la parole : la relation de soin à l'épreuve de la communication, 16 et 17 novembre 2014, Besançon, France.
Multimodal analysis of hand gesture back-channel feedbackJorane Saubesty and Marion TellierGesture and Speech in Interaction, Sept. 2015 Nantes, France.
Searching and retrieving multi-levels annotated dataBrigitte Bigi and Jorane SaubestyGesture and Speech in Interaction, Sept. 2015 Nantes, France.