The LPL (Laboratoire Parole et Langage) is a CNRS research laboratory co-sponsored by Aix-Marseille University. Its members are phoneticians, linguists, computer scientists, psychologists, neuroscientists, physicists and medical doctors. LPL’s activities focus on the mechanisms involved in the production, perception and understanding of spoken and written language in their natural contexts.
LPL is a founding member of the Labex BLRI (Brain and Language Research Institute). LPL is also responsible of the MULTI Erasmus Mundus programme (Multilinguism and Multiculturalism).
The LSIS (Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes) is a joint laboratory between CNRS and Aix-Marseille University gathering near to 200 researchers professors and PhD students.
The "Data, Information & Content Management Group" (DIMAG) at LSIS is composed of 13 faculty members (5 full professors, 8 associate professors) and 19 contract researchers (17 PhD students, one post-doctorate). One part of the research activities in DIMAG focuses on the processing of large collection of documents, web content (information retrieval, information extraction, document classification) and data (mining, integration) to extract useful information for different purposes such as book recommendations or virtual agent modeling.
The ISM (Institut des Sciences du Mouvement) is a joint laboratory between CNRS and Aix-Marseille University. ISM hosts the Center for Virtual Reality of the Mediterranean (CRVM), a Virtual Reality technical facility dedicated to the study of human behavior in an immersive environment.
CRVM offers development services, equipment and human resources, and expertise in the field of Virtual Reality for research and industry. CRVM constitutes the first technological virtual reality platform in France which is dedicated to investigation of human behavior in immersive situations. It constitutes a field of convergence and reciprocal enrichment between the areas of Life sciences, Science and Information technologies and Communication and Engineering.
The LTCI (Laboratoire de Traitement et Communication de l’Information) is a joint laboratory between CNRS and TELECOM ParisTech. Its disciplines include all the sciences and techniques that fall within the term "Information and Communications": Computer Science Networks, Communications, Electronics, Signal and Image Processing, as well as the study of economic and social aspects associated with modern technology.
The Greta Team is the LTCI correspondent for this project. It has been working for several years on the development of an interactive embodied conversational agent platform technology in order to make human-computer interactions more emotion-oriented and social. The team has been involved in several European projects related to multimodal communication (EAGLES, IST-ISLE), to believable embodied conversational agents (IST-MagiCster, FP5 PF-STAR), emotion (FP5 NoE Humaine, FP6 IP CALLAS, FP7 STREP SEMAINE) and social behaviors (FP7 NoE SSPNet).
Based in Marseille, the Paoli-Calmettes Institute (IPC), is the first comprehensive cancer centre in region providing global care for cancer. It is a member of the national federation UNICANCER. The Institute has been licensed by the HAS (the overall French health authority) at the highest level in 2015. The centre gathers 1,580 employees -researchers, medical doctors, health and administrative staff - engaged in wide range of activities on site: prevention, research, treatment and training. IPC registered over 90,000 consultations and over 10,000 new patients in 2016. In addition, over 250 researchers work in close collaboration with the medical teams to offer the cutting edge scientific advancements and the highest level treatments against cancers.
Medical simulation training to announce bad news and serious indesirable events are organized for junior and senior doctors. Filmed records of the sessions are used for defriefing
Le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire d'Angers a participé en 2013 à création d'un Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique (GIS) Angers PLateforme Hospitalo-Universitaire de Simulation en Santé (APLHUSS) avec la Faculté de Médecine et l’Université d’Angers pour promouvoir et développer la pédagogie par la simulation dans la formation initiale et continue des professionnels de santé.
Le projet pédagogique du GIS APLHUSS est fondé sur le rapport de la Haute Autorité de Santé sur l’Etat de l’art en matière de pratiques de simulation dans le domaine de la santé rédigé par M. le Pr Granry et Mme le Dr Moll.
Des entrainements individuels et collectifs sont proposées à des soignants en formation ou confirmés au moyen de outils d’entraînement de basse fidélité, de mannequins haute fidélité ou d’acteurs. Initialement orienté vers l’anesthésie-réanimation, des formations sont actuellement proposées dans de nombreuses disciplines.
La communication d’une mauvaise nouvelle au patient est l’une des thématiques fortes de APHLUSS. Des programmes d’annonce d’un dommage lié aux soins et d’annonce du cancer ont été mis en place et permettent à des soignants de s’entraîner à communiquer avec des patients simulés.
Les interactions entre les soignants et les patients simulés seront analysées et permettrons de modéliser le comportement des avatars.
Le Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique (GIS) Angers Plateforme Hospitalo-Universitaire de Simulation en Santé (APLHUSS) a été crée en 2013 par le CHU d’Angers, la Faculté de médecine et l’Université d’Angers pour promouvoir et développer la formation initiale et continue des professionnels de santé, basée sur la pédagogie par la simulation.
Le projet pédagogique du GIS APLHUSS est fondé sur le rapport de la Haute Autorité de Santé sur l’Etat de l’art en matière de pratiques de simulation dans le domaine de la santé rédigé par M. le Pr Granry et Mme le Dr Moll.
Des entrainements individuels et collectifs sont proposés à des soignants en formation ou confirmés au moyen de procédés de basse fidélité, de mannequins haute fidélité ou d’acteurs. Initialement orienté vers l’anesthésie-réanimation, des formations sont actuellement proposées dans de nombreuses disciplines.
La communication d’une mauvaise nouvelle au patient est l’une des thématiques fortes du GIS APHLUSS. Des programmes d’annonce d’un dommage lié aux soins et d’annonce du cancer ont été mis en place et permettent aux professionnels de s’entraîner à communiquer avec des patients simulés. Les interactions entre les soignants, médicaux et non médicaux, et les patients simulés seront analysées et permettront de modéliser le comportement des avatars.
Founded in 1994, Immersion ( is an SME that is currently the French leader in the development and distribution of multi-sensorial devices for visualization, interaction and collaboration. Based on these many years of experience in the field and an active R&D department, Immersion invents and distributes innovative input devices, visualization systems and collaboration solutions for long time clients such as EADS, THALES, DASSAULT, EUROCOPTER, CEA, CS-SI, DCN, ESSILOR, FIAT, ORANGE R&D, RENAULT, PSA, LABRI, IRIT, CNRS, … Applications most praised by such organizations include virtual prototyping as well as both the navigation and interaction within very large environments such as geographic maps or simulation results. Proper equipment, both desktop sized and larger scale immersive ones, enables people to be brought into the virtual 3D prototype and to perform complex operations. More specifically, immersive platforms enable one or several users to visualize and interact with 3D mock-ups of their project, or working environment, as if they were inside the real one. Immersion RTD department is a team of 10 researchers featuring multi-disciplinary capabilities such as software and hardware development, electronics, human factors and interaction design. It is now one of the major activities of IMMERSION, since the many abilities exhibited by this department are providing the company with the capability to develop advanced hardware devices and to bring research ideas into new products.