Preliminary program
Cocktail reception and Registration : SUNDAY, September 1st. 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., onsite
Monday, September 2nd | ||
08:00 | Onsite Registration | |
08:45 | Welcom to AMLaP ! | |
09:00-11:00 | ORAL SESSION 1 : From comprehension to production | |
09:00 | Lemhöfer Kristin | On the trouble of being a polyglot: Language conflict in trilingual word production |
09:20 | Bordag Denisa | Incidental acquisition of new words during reading in L2: Derivation of meaning and its integration in the semantic network |
09:40 | Silvey Catriona | Communication leads to the emergence of sub-optimal category structures |
10:00 | Vega-Mendoza Mariana | Give me the restriction or donate it to me: How do L2 speakers acquire lexically-specific syntactic restrictions? |
10:20 | Rommers Joost | Constraining the involvement of language production in comprehension: A comparison of object naming and object viewing in sentence context |
10:40 | Hwang Heeju | Effects of syntactic flexibility on Korean production: Cross-linguistic Asymmetries |
11:00-11:25 | COFFEE | |
11:30-12:30 | Peter Hagoort | KEYNOTE 1 |
12:30-13:30 | LUNCH | |
13:30-15:00 | POSTER SESSION 1 | |
15:00-15:25 | COFFEE | |
15:30-17:30 | ORAL SESSION 2 : Syntax | |
15:30 | Meulman Nienke | Grammatical Gender Processing in Second-Language Learners of German ? Evidence from ERPs |
15:50 | Müller-Feldmeth Daniel | The influence of pre-verbal referents on verb processing: Evidence for similarity-based interference from a new German |
16:10 | Haeussler Jana | Predicting garden-path strength: Transparent symptoms are more important than expectations |
16:30 | Kovacs Nora | The processing of Hungarian relative clauses |
16:50 | Gotzner Nicole | Only the son of a PREACHER MAN? Retrieval of alternatives by means of focus particles and contrastive accenting |
17:10 | Baumann Peter | Locality and Binding: Local Coherences Influence Binding of Reflexives in Reading |
Tuesday, September 3rd | ||
08:30 | Onsite Registration | |
09:00-11:00 | ORAL SESSION 3 : Comprehension Dynamics | |
09:00 | Esaulova Yulia | Eye-movements reflect gender influences: Identification of subjects and objects in German relative clauses |
09:20 | Jaeger T. Florian | Lexical adaptation of quantifier meanings |
09:40 | Bosker Hans Rutger | The processing of disfluencies in native and non-native speech |
10:00 | Sikos Les | Incremental Computation of Scalar Implicatures: An ERP Study |
10:20 | Mitterer Holger | Compensation for frequent and infrequent forms of phonological assimilation |
10:40 | Brown Meredith | Downstream speech cues can make (a) determiner(s) disappear |
11:00-11:25 | COFFEE | |
11:30-12:30 | Delphine Dahan | KEYNOTE 2 |
12:30-13:30 | LUNCH | |
13:30-15:00 | POSTER SESSION 2 | |
15:00-15:25 | COFFEE | |
15:30-17:30 | ORAL SESSION 4 : Computational and formal approaches to language | |
15:30 | Stepanov Arthur | Constituent detection in processing self-similar L-grammar sequences |
15:50 | Ten Bosch Louis | An end-to-end computational model of speech comprehension: a lexical decision task |
16:10 | Gerth Sabrina | A structural based-complexity metric of sentence processing difficulty |
16:30 | Huettig Falk | Phonological grain size and general processing speed modulates language mediated visual attention ? Evidence from a connectionist model |
16:50 | Gaylord Nicholas | Verb Processing as Decision Making: Effects of Feedback and Risk |
17:10 | Demberg Vera | Pupillometry ? the Index of Cognitive Activity as a Measure of Linguistic Processing Difficulty |
Wednesday, September 4th | ||
08:30 | Onsite Registration | |
09:00-11:00 | ORAL SESSION 5 : Language comprehension | |
09:00 | Flecken Monique | Event duration estimations are modulated by grammatical aspect: evidence from Dutch |
09:20 | Kamide Yuki | Eye movements reveal contextually specified dynamic representations of speed in spoken sentence processing |
09:40 | Stolterfoht Britta | Processing novel definites |
10:00 | Cho Pyeong Whan | Dynamic Self-Organized Semantics: Garden Path and Local Coherence Effects in Noun-Noun Compounds |
10:20 | Metzner Paul | World-knowledge violations elicit different rhythmic brain activity in natural reading and serial presentation |
10:40 | Tian Ye | Eye movements reveal causes of delay in negative sentence processing |
11:00-11:25 | COFFEE | |
11:30-12:30 | John Hale | KEYNOTE 3 |
12:30-13:30 | LUNCH | |
13:30-15:00 | POSTER SESSION 3 | |
15:00-15:25 | COFFEE | |
15:30-17:10 | ORAL SESSION 6 : Speech comprehension | |
15:30 | Ostrand Rachel | Perceiving One Word While Accessing Another: The Time Course of Audio-Visual Integration in Lexical Access |
15:50 | Lev-Ari Shiri | The influence of social factors on sound adaptation: Converging evidence from corpus and experimental data |
16:10 | Seyfarth Scott | Word informativity affects acoustic duration |
16:30 | Fink Angela | Dynamic interactions between lexical access and phonetic processes |
16:50 | Nixon Jessie | Eye movements and categorisation reveal Cantonese listeners use statistical information to assess category membership of acoustic cues |
17:30 | AMLAP AWARDS | Awards and closing remarks |
Poster sessions
Monday, September 2nd | ||
13:30-15:00 | POSTER SESSION 1 - 64 posters | |
101 | Dussias Paola | bilingual |
102 | Dussias Paola | bilingual |
103 | Sianipar Agnes | bilingual |
104 | Sabine Burfin | bilingual, cross-linguistic, comprehension |
105 | Kwon Nayoung | bilingual |
106 | Larraza Saioa | bilingual, second language, Speech |
107 | Tóth Anna | comprehension, bilingual |
108 | Cai Zhenguang | comprehension |
109 | Abashidze Dato | comprehension |
110 | Hartshorne Joshua | comprehension |
111 | Jacobs Cassandra | comprehension |
112 | Kang Xin | comprehension |
113 | Lai Vicky | comprehension |
114 | Münster Katja | comprehension |
115 | Myachykov Andriy | comprehension |
116 | Sato Manami | comprehension |
117 | Kaiser Elsi | comprehension |
118 | Suckow Katja | comprehension |
119 | Suckow Katja | comprehension |
120 | Warren Tessa | comprehension |
121 | Williams Glenn | comprehension |
122 | Zaccarella Emiliano | comprehension, lexicon, syntax |
123 | Weinbatch Silas | lexicon, modelling |
124 | Nordmann Emily | lexicon, modelling |
127 | Ono Hajime | parsing, comprehension |
128 | Foppolo Francesca | parsing |
129 | Drenhaus Heiner | parsing, comprehension, discourse |
130 | Pistono Aurélie | production, discourse |
131 | Acheson Daniel | production |
132 | Gryspeert Marie | production |
133 | Veenstra Alma | production |
134 | Fukumura Kumiko | production |
135 | Stepanov Arthur | production |
136 | Drake Eleanor | production |
137 | Morita Mitsuhiro | second language |
138 | Xiong Kexin | second language, bilingual, acquisition, syntax |
139 | Szewczyk Jakub | second language, comprehension, acquisition, lexicon |
140 | Nakamura Chie | second language, comprehension, parsing, syntax |
141 | Gerth Sabrina | second language, comprehension, syntax |
142 | Augurzky Petra | speech, corpus, prosody, modelling, syntax |
143 | Kapatsinski Vsevolod | speech, production, acquisition, morphology |
144 | Kleinman Daniel | speech, production, lexicon |
145 | Post Da Silveira Amanda | speech, second language, bilingual, cross-linguistic, corpus |
146 | Sun Yue | speech |
147 | Garcia Xavier | speech, comprehension |
148 | Corey Joanna | speech, comprehension |
149 | Dylman Alexandra | speech, production, lexicon |
150 | Hannah Bohle | speech, production, lexicon |
151 | Gruberg Nick | syntax |
152 | Cristante Valentina | syntax, morphology, acquisition, second language |
153 | Martin Andrea | syntax, morphology, comprehension |
154 | Frazier Michael | syntax, parsing |
155 | Pagliarini Elena | syntax, parsing |
156 | Freitag Constantin | syntax, parsing, comprehension |
158 | Wittenberg Eva | syntax, parsing, lexicon, comprehension |
159 | Dietrich Amelia | syntax, parsing, comprehension, bilingual, second language |
160 | Kristensen Line Burholt | syntax, parsing, comprehension, discourse |
161 | Husain Samar | syntax, parsing |
162 | Cunnings Ian | syntax, parsing, comprehension |
163 | Schott Esther | syntax, prosody, parsing |
164 | Dinctopal-Deniz Nazik | syntax, prosody, parsing |
Tuesday, September 3rd | ||
13:30-15:00 | POSTER SESSION 2 - 62 posters | |
201 | James Ariel | comprehension |
202 | Lartseva Alina | comprehension |
203 | Yang Xiaohong | comprehension |
204 | Guerra Ernesto | comprehension |
205 | Calì Marialucia Carmela | comprehension, syntax |
206 | Jaeger Lena | comprehension, parsing |
207 | Logacev Pavel | comprehension, parsing, modelling, syntax |
208 | Katsika Kalliopi | comprehension, parsing, syntax |
209 | Kamide Yuki | comprehension, parsing, syntax |
210 | Fukumura Kumiko | comprehension, production, discourse |
211 | Hesse Christoph | cross-linguistic, corpus, comprehension |
212 | Bader Markus | cross-linguistic, production, syntax |
213 | Frank Stefan | corpus, comprehension, parsing, modelling |
214 | Nino Grillo | cross-linguistic, comprehension, parsing, syntax |
215 | Xie Xin | cross-linguistic, speech |
216 | Hoeks John | dialogue |
217 | Yoon Si On | dialogue |
218 | Jacobs Cassandra | dialogue |
219 | Sikos Les | dialogue, comprehension |
220 | Mozuraitis Mindaugas | dialogue, comprehension |
221 | Bott Lewis | discourse, comprehension |
222 | Van Rij Jacolien | discourse, comprehension |
223 | Colonna Saveria | discourse, comprehension |
224 | Delogu Francesca | discourse, comprehension |
225 | Szewczyk Jakub | discourse, comprehension, lexicon |
227 | Cai Zhenguang | lexicon |
228 | Kida Shusaku | lexicon, acquisition, bilingual, second language |
229 | Kaiser Elsi | lexicon, comprehension, production, Speech |
230 | Wang Xin | lexicon, prosody, comprehension, cross-linguistic, bilingual |
231 | Bott Oliver | modelling, comprehension |
232 | Lapesa Gabriella | modelling |
233 | Roberts Sean | modelling, comprehension, bilingual |
234 | Slioussar Natalia | morphology |
235 | Slioussar Natalia | morphology |
236 | Grosz Patrick | morphology, syntax, comprehension |
237 | Nakamura Chie | parsing |
238 | Nicenboim Bruno | parsing |
239 | Dussias Paola | parsing, comprehension, bilingual |
241 | Frazier Michael | parsing, syntax |
242 | Kubo Takuya | production |
243 | Dutton Eleanor M. | production, cross-linguistic |
244 | Timmer Kalinka | production, second language |
245 | Goldrick Matt | production, bilingual, Speech |
246 | Knutsen Dominique | production, dialogue |
247 | Gallot Sophie | second language, acquisition, lexicon |
248 | Flecken Monique | second language, production, syntax |
249 | Ito Aine | second language |
250 | Mansbridge Michael | second language, comprehension, parsing |
251 | Cokal Derya | second language, discourse, comprehension |
252 | Jochmann Angela | syntax |
253 | Villata Sandra | syntax |
255 | He Yifei | syntax, comprehension, discourse |
256 | Morgan Adam | syntax, comprehension, production |
257 | Temme Anne | syntax, discourse |
258 | Ilkin Zeynep | syntax, Morphology, comprehension |
259 | Bordag Denisa | syntax, morphology, lexicon, acquisition, second language |
260 | Brehm Laurel | syntax, production |
261 | Segaert Katrien | syntax, production |
262 | Kempen Gerard | syntax, production, corpus |
263 | Katsika Kalliopi | syntax, production, cross-linguistic, bilingual, second language |
264 | Ivanova Iva | syntax, production |
265 | Dinctopal-Deniz Nazik | syntax, prosody, parsing |
Wednesday, September 4th | ||
13:30-15:00 | POSTER SESSION 3 - 62 posters | |
301 | Franck Julie | acquisition |
302 | Rotondi Irene | acquisition, syntax |
303 | Ohki Takefumi | acquisition |
304 | Wardlow Liane | acquisition, production, dialogue |
306 | özge Duygu | acquisition |
307 | Smolík Filip | acquisition |
308 | Cooper Angela | comprehension |
309 | Hatzidaki Anna | comprehension |
310 | Huettig Falk | comprehension |
311 | Lai Yao-Ying | comprehension |
312 | Mancuso Azzurra | comprehension |
313 | Nieuwland Mante | comprehension |
314 | Smith Alastair | comprehension |
315 | Patson Nikole | comprehension, discourse |
316 | Claus Berry | comprehension, discourse |
317 | Hemforth Barbara | comprehension, discourse |
318 | Finlayson Ian | comprehension, discourse |
319 | Colonna Saveria | comprehension, discourse, cross-linguistic |
320 | Torabi Asr Fatemeh | discourse |
321 | De La Fuente Israel | discourse, comprehension |
322 | Kaiser Elsi | discourse, comprehension |
323 | Wang Lin | discourse, comprehension |
324 | Aalto Daniel | lexicon |
326 | Zarcone Alessandra | lexicon, comprehension |
327 | Otwinowska-Kasztelanic A. | lexicon, cross-linguistic, bilingual, second language |
328 | Vainio Seppo | morphology |
329 | Bürki Audrey | morphology, lexicon, production |
330 | Flecken Monique | morphology, production, cross-linguistic |
331 | Feldman Laurie | morphology |
332 | Slioussar Natalia | morphology |
333 | Dawdy-Hesterberg Lisa | morphology, lexicon, Modelling |
334 | Biedermann Britta | production |
335 | Chen Jenn-Yeu | production |
336 | Cherng Rong-Ju | production |
337 | Deng Ying | production |
338 | Klaus Jana | production |
339 | Mädebach Andreas | production, speech |
340 | Jaeger Florian | production, syntax |
341 | Konopka Agnieszka | production, syntax |
342 | Gambi Chiara | production |
343 | Engelhardt Paul | prosody |
345 | Dimitrova Diana | prosody |
346 | Van Ommen Sandrien | prosody |
348 | Veld Sean | prosody |
349 | Michelas Amandine | prosody |
350 | Astésano Corine | comprehension, prosody, modelling |
351 | Kiyama Sachiko | syntax |
352 | Li Xiaoqing | syntax |
354 | Beltrama Andrea | syntax, comprehension |
355 | Fox Gwendoline | syntax, acquisition, production |
356 | Hopp Holger | syntax, acquisition, parsing, comprehension, cross-linguistic |
357 | Trompenaars Thijs | syntax, comprehension |
358 | Faghiri Pegah | syntax, modelling, corpus |
359 | Linzen Tal | syntax, modelling, parsing, comprehension |
360 | Chang Franklin | syntax, modelling, production, cross-linguistic |
361 | Kentner Gerrit | syntax, prosody, parsing, comprehension, discourse |
363 | Carlson Katy | syntax, prosody, parsing, comprehension |
The poster boards are 2 meters tall by 1 meter wide. Posters should fit the board, with a standard A0 being the preferred size. The boards are wire mesh and posters should be hung.