Contact Information

Schedule at a glance; Map

Pre-Conference registration is from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, September 1st , at the conference venue. There will be a cocktail reception (drinks and light snacks) during registration.

The Conference dinner will be held on the Vieux Port, at the historic Officers' Mess. The restaurant provides sweeping views of the port and city. A cocktail on the terrace is included. Please register before August 2cd, on the Registration page.

Marseille is the European Capital 2013 - be sure to make time to visit the city!


Ville de Marseille

Région PACA

Conseil Général 13



Preliminary program

Cocktail reception and Registration : SUNDAY, September 1st. 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., onsite

Monday, September 2nd
08:00Onsite Registration
08:45Welcom to AMLaP !
09:00-11:00ORAL SESSION 1 : From comprehension to production
09:00Lemhöfer KristinOn the trouble of being a polyglot: Language conflict in trilingual word production
09:20Bordag DenisaIncidental acquisition of new words during reading in L2: Derivation of meaning and its integration in the semantic network
09:40Silvey CatrionaCommunication leads to the emergence of sub-optimal category structures
10:00Vega-Mendoza MarianaGive me the restriction or donate it to me: How do L2 speakers acquire lexically-specific syntactic restrictions?
10:20Rommers JoostConstraining the involvement of language production in comprehension: A comparison of object naming and object viewing in sentence context
10:40Hwang HeejuEffects of syntactic flexibility on Korean production: Cross-linguistic Asymmetries
11:30-12:30Peter HagoortKEYNOTE 1
13:30-15:00POSTER SESSION 1
15:30-17:30ORAL SESSION 2 : Syntax
15:30Meulman NienkeGrammatical Gender Processing in Second-Language Learners of German ? Evidence from ERPs
15:50Müller-Feldmeth DanielThe influence of pre-verbal referents on verb processing: Evidence for similarity-based interference from a new German
16:10Haeussler JanaPredicting garden-path strength: Transparent symptoms are more important than expectations
16:30Kovacs NoraThe processing of Hungarian relative clauses
16:50Gotzner NicoleOnly the son of a PREACHER MAN? Retrieval of alternatives by means of focus particles and contrastive accenting
17:10Baumann PeterLocality and Binding: Local Coherences Influence Binding of Reflexives in Reading
Tuesday, September 3rd
08:30Onsite Registration
09:00-11:00ORAL SESSION 3 : Comprehension Dynamics
09:00Esaulova YuliaEye-movements reflect gender influences: Identification of subjects and objects in German relative clauses
09:20Jaeger T. FlorianLexical adaptation of quantifier meanings
09:40Bosker Hans RutgerThe processing of disfluencies in native and non-native speech
10:00Sikos LesIncremental Computation of Scalar Implicatures: An ERP Study
10:20Mitterer HolgerCompensation for frequent and infrequent forms of phonological assimilation
10:40Brown MeredithDownstream speech cues can make (a) determiner(s) disappear
11:30-12:30Delphine DahanKEYNOTE 2
13:30-15:00POSTER SESSION 2
15:30-17:30ORAL SESSION 4 : Computational and formal approaches to language
15:30Stepanov ArthurConstituent detection in processing self-similar L-grammar sequences
15:50Ten Bosch LouisAn end-to-end computational model of speech comprehension: a lexical decision task
16:10Gerth SabrinaA structural based-complexity metric of sentence processing difficulty
16:30Huettig FalkPhonological grain size and general processing speed modulates language mediated visual attention ? Evidence from a connectionist model
16:50Gaylord NicholasVerb Processing as Decision Making: Effects of Feedback and Risk
17:10Demberg VeraPupillometry ? the Index of Cognitive Activity as a Measure of Linguistic Processing Difficulty
Wednesday, September 4th
08:30Onsite Registration
09:00-11:00ORAL SESSION 5 : Language comprehension
09:00Flecken MoniqueEvent duration estimations are modulated by grammatical aspect: evidence from Dutch
09:20Kamide YukiEye movements reveal contextually specified dynamic representations of speed in spoken sentence processing
09:40Stolterfoht BrittaProcessing novel definites
10:00Cho Pyeong WhanDynamic Self-Organized Semantics: Garden Path and Local Coherence Effects in Noun-Noun Compounds
10:20Metzner PaulWorld-knowledge violations elicit different rhythmic brain activity in natural reading and serial presentation
10:40Tian YeEye movements reveal causes of delay in negative sentence processing
11:30-12:30John HaleKEYNOTE 3
13:30-15:00POSTER SESSION 3
15:30-17:10ORAL SESSION 6 : Speech comprehension
15:30Ostrand RachelPerceiving One Word While Accessing Another: The Time Course of Audio-Visual Integration in Lexical Access
15:50Lev-Ari ShiriThe influence of social factors on sound adaptation: Converging evidence from corpus and experimental data
16:10Seyfarth ScottWord informativity affects acoustic duration
16:30Fink AngelaDynamic interactions between lexical access and phonetic processes
16:50Nixon JessieEye movements and categorisation reveal Cantonese listeners use statistical information to assess category membership of acoustic cues
17:30AMLAP AWARDSAwards and closing remarks

Poster sessions

Monday, September 2nd
13:30-15:00POSTER SESSION 1 - 64 posters
101Dussias Paolabilingual
102Dussias Paolabilingual
103Sianipar Agnesbilingual
104Sabine Burfinbilingual, cross-linguistic, comprehension
105Kwon Nayoungbilingual
106Larraza Saioabilingual, second language, Speech
107Tóth Annacomprehension, bilingual
108Cai Zhenguangcomprehension
109Abashidze Datocomprehension
110Hartshorne Joshuacomprehension
111Jacobs Cassandracomprehension
112Kang Xincomprehension
113Lai Vickycomprehension
114Münster Katjacomprehension
115Myachykov Andriycomprehension
116Sato Manamicomprehension
117Kaiser Elsicomprehension
118Suckow Katjacomprehension
119Suckow Katjacomprehension
120Warren Tessacomprehension
121Williams Glenncomprehension
122Zaccarella Emilianocomprehension, lexicon, syntax
123Weinbatch Silaslexicon, modelling
124Nordmann Emilylexicon, modelling
127Ono Hajimeparsing, comprehension
128Foppolo Francescaparsing
129Drenhaus Heinerparsing, comprehension, discourse
130Pistono Aurélieproduction, discourse
131Acheson Danielproduction
132Gryspeert Marieproduction
133Veenstra Almaproduction
134Fukumura Kumikoproduction
135Stepanov Arthurproduction
136Drake Eleanorproduction
137Morita Mitsuhirosecond language
138Xiong Kexinsecond language, bilingual, acquisition, syntax
139Szewczyk Jakubsecond language, comprehension, acquisition, lexicon
140Nakamura Chiesecond language, comprehension, parsing, syntax
141Gerth Sabrinasecond language, comprehension, syntax
142Augurzky Petraspeech, corpus, prosody, modelling, syntax
143Kapatsinski Vsevolodspeech, production, acquisition, morphology
144Kleinman Danielspeech, production, lexicon
145Post Da Silveira Amanda speech, second language, bilingual, cross-linguistic, corpus
146Sun Yuespeech
147Garcia Xavierspeech, comprehension
148Corey Joannaspeech, comprehension
149Dylman Alexandraspeech, production, lexicon
150Hannah Bohlespeech, production, lexicon
151Gruberg Nicksyntax
152Cristante Valentina syntax, morphology, acquisition, second language
153Martin Andreasyntax, morphology, comprehension
154Frazier Michaelsyntax, parsing
155Pagliarini Elenasyntax, parsing
156Freitag Constantinsyntax, parsing, comprehension
158Wittenberg Evasyntax, parsing, lexicon, comprehension
159Dietrich Ameliasyntax, parsing, comprehension, bilingual, second language
160Kristensen Line Burholtsyntax, parsing, comprehension, discourse
161Husain Samarsyntax, parsing
162Cunnings Iansyntax, parsing, comprehension
163Schott Esthersyntax, prosody, parsing
164Dinctopal-Deniz Naziksyntax, prosody, parsing
Tuesday, September 3rd
13:30-15:00POSTER SESSION 2 - 62 posters
201James Arielcomprehension
202Lartseva Alinacomprehension
203Yang Xiaohongcomprehension
204Guerra Ernestocomprehension
205Calì Marialucia Carmelacomprehension, syntax
206Jaeger Lenacomprehension, parsing
207Logacev Pavelcomprehension, parsing, modelling, syntax
208Katsika Kalliopicomprehension, parsing, syntax
209Kamide Yukicomprehension, parsing, syntax
210Fukumura Kumikocomprehension, production, discourse
211Hesse Christophcross-linguistic, corpus, comprehension
212Bader Markuscross-linguistic, production, syntax
213Frank Stefancorpus, comprehension, parsing, modelling
214Nino Grillocross-linguistic, comprehension, parsing, syntax
215Xie Xincross-linguistic, speech
216Hoeks Johndialogue
217Yoon Si Ondialogue
218Jacobs Cassandradialogue
219Sikos Lesdialogue, comprehension
220Mozuraitis Mindaugasdialogue, comprehension
221Bott Lewisdiscourse, comprehension
222Van Rij Jacoliendiscourse, comprehension
223Colonna Saveriadiscourse, comprehension
224Delogu Francescadiscourse, comprehension
225Szewczyk Jakubdiscourse, comprehension, lexicon
227Cai Zhenguanglexicon
228Kida Shusakulexicon, acquisition, bilingual, second language
229Kaiser Elsilexicon, comprehension, production, Speech
230Wang Xin lexicon, prosody, comprehension, cross-linguistic, bilingual
231Bott Olivermodelling, comprehension
232Lapesa Gabriellamodelling
233Roberts Seanmodelling, comprehension, bilingual
234Slioussar Nataliamorphology
235Slioussar Nataliamorphology
236Grosz Patrickmorphology, syntax, comprehension
237Nakamura Chieparsing
238Nicenboim Brunoparsing
239Dussias Paolaparsing, comprehension, bilingual
241Frazier Michaelparsing, syntax
242Kubo Takuyaproduction
243Dutton Eleanor M.production, cross-linguistic
244Timmer Kalinkaproduction, second language
245Goldrick Mattproduction, bilingual, Speech
246Knutsen Dominiqueproduction, dialogue
247Gallot Sophiesecond language, acquisition, lexicon
248Flecken Moniquesecond language, production, syntax
249Ito Ainesecond language
250Mansbridge Michaelsecond language, comprehension, parsing
251Cokal Deryasecond language, discourse, comprehension
252Jochmann Angelasyntax
253Villata Sandrasyntax
255He Yifeisyntax, comprehension, discourse
256Morgan Adamsyntax, comprehension, production
257Temme Annesyntax, discourse
258Ilkin Zeynepsyntax, Morphology, comprehension
259Bordag Denisasyntax, morphology, lexicon, acquisition, second language
260Brehm Laurelsyntax, production
261Segaert Katriensyntax, production
262Kempen Gerardsyntax, production, corpus
263Katsika Kalliopisyntax, production, cross-linguistic, bilingual, second language
264Ivanova Ivasyntax, production
265Dinctopal-Deniz Naziksyntax, prosody, parsing
Wednesday, September 4th
13:30-15:00POSTER SESSION 3 - 62 posters
301Franck Julieacquisition
302Rotondi Ireneacquisition, syntax
303Ohki Takefumiacquisition
304Wardlow Lianeacquisition, production, dialogue
306özge Duyguacquisition
307Smolík Filipacquisition
308Cooper Angelacomprehension
309Hatzidaki Annacomprehension
310Huettig Falkcomprehension
311Lai Yao-Yingcomprehension
312Mancuso Azzurracomprehension
313Nieuwland Mantecomprehension
314Smith Alastaircomprehension
315Patson Nikolecomprehension, discourse
316Claus Berrycomprehension, discourse
317Hemforth Barbaracomprehension, discourse
318Finlayson Iancomprehension, discourse
319Colonna Saveriacomprehension, discourse, cross-linguistic
320Torabi Asr Fatemehdiscourse
321De La Fuente Israeldiscourse, comprehension
322Kaiser Elsidiscourse, comprehension
323Wang Lindiscourse, comprehension
324Aalto Daniellexicon
326Zarcone Alessandralexicon, comprehension
327 Otwinowska-Kasztelanic A.lexicon, cross-linguistic, bilingual, second language
328Vainio Seppomorphology
329Bürki Audreymorphology, lexicon, production
330Flecken Moniquemorphology, production, cross-linguistic
331Feldman Lauriemorphology
332Slioussar Nataliamorphology
333Dawdy-Hesterberg Lisamorphology, lexicon, Modelling
334Biedermann Brittaproduction
335Chen Jenn-Yeuproduction
336Cherng Rong-Juproduction
337Deng Yingproduction
338Klaus Janaproduction
339Mädebach Andreasproduction, speech
340Jaeger Florianproduction, syntax
341Konopka Agnieszkaproduction, syntax
342Gambi Chiaraproduction
343Engelhardt Paulprosody
345Dimitrova Dianaprosody
346Van Ommen Sandrienprosody
348Veld Seanprosody
349Michelas Amandineprosody
350Astésano Corinecomprehension, prosody, modelling
351Kiyama Sachikosyntax
352Li Xiaoqingsyntax
354Beltrama Andreasyntax, comprehension
355Fox Gwendolinesyntax, acquisition, production
356Hopp Holger syntax, acquisition, parsing, comprehension, cross-linguistic
357Trompenaars Thijssyntax, comprehension
358Faghiri Pegahsyntax, modelling, corpus
359Linzen Talsyntax, modelling, parsing, comprehension
360Chang Franklinsyntax, modelling, production, cross-linguistic
361Kentner Gerritsyntax, prosody, parsing, comprehension, discourse
363Carlson Katysyntax, prosody, parsing, comprehension


The poster boards are 2 meters tall by 1 meter wide. Posters should fit the board, with a standard A0 being the preferred size. The boards are wire mesh and posters should be hung.