Early registration deadline (new): May 27, 2012
Call for papers
The 7th Celtic Linguistics Conference (CLC7) will be held on June 22-23, 2012 at the Université de Rennes II (Rennes, Brittany, France).
It is organized jointly by:
Abstracts are invited for presentations on all aspects of linguistic research on the Celtic languages. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) syntax, phonology, phonetics, sociolinguistics, and speech technology, as well as issues specific to research on lesser-used and endangered languages.
The conference will include oral presentations (30 minutes, including discussion) and poster presentations. When submitting the abstract, the author(s) will be asked to indicate their presentation format preference (if any).
The language of the oral and poster presentations will be English.
Abstracts are to be submitted (as a pdf, txt or doc file) using an online interface.
Abstract format: 2 pages maximum (A4 or letter-sized, 12pt font, 2.5cm/1-inch margins), including examples and references. Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously, so authors are asked to avoid self-references in their abstracts and to ensure that the document properties of the pdf file do not include author details.
Deadline for abstract submission (extended): 23 February 2012
Notification of acceptance: 4 April 2012
Early registration deadline (extended): 27 May 2012
If you have any questions, please contact us (in Breton, Irish, French or English) at: AT